Live longer - Revitalize and Rejuve.

Rejuve+ Health Products
Aging is now regarded by scientists as a “disease” that can potentially be treated. While a miraculous cure has yet to be discovered, there are already numerous ways to decelerate or possibly even revert aging at the cellular level.
That’s why our proud Canadian company, Rejuve+ has a goal in creating nutritional supplements with approved scientifically proven research. Our products are certified and science backed. We test every batch to ensure it's safe for consumption, with strict quality control tolerances.

Manufacture Certificates

NMN21000 Certificates


Safety is always our number one priority! Every batch is tested to ensure safety for human consumption.


We only launch products that are backed by scientific evidence.


While the science behind NMN can seem complicated and complex, we make it simple for you!

Rejuve+ Health Products is a brand by:

OCHK International Trading Co. Ltd.

21900 Westminster Hwy, Unit 115, Richmond, BC V6V 0A8, Canada